
This FREE webinar is the curtain opening of FACT Audit and Assessment Services, a solution provided by FACT Consulting. Cell and gene sponsors, license holders, manufacturers, registries, collection sites, processing laboratories, and treatment sites are invited to learn how this solution increases the return on investment in site assessments via specific, high-value benefits.   

As reported extensively, the current industry qualification and auditing approach for cell and gene therapies is unsustainable and may delay or prevent patient access. FACT Consulting confirmed via a recent pilot project that its services can rapidly assess accredited and non-accredited sites’ ability to participate in a company’s network, perform assessments on behalf of industry, and reduce the duplicative audit burden on healthcare sites while increasing the quality of their services. It is a win-win-win solution that reduces the audit burden on industry and sites, allowing them to serve more patients.

At the conclusion of this live activity, participants will be able to: 

  • Explain why FACT Audit & Assessment Services benefit the industry and accredited and non-accredited healthcare institutions. 

  • Discuss the FACT assessment process and deliverables provided to clients and assessed sites. 

  • Evaluate the Voice of the Customer’s experience with the pilot assessments from the perspective of industry and cell collection sites. 

  • Provide guidance on how to initiate assessment services and obtain institutional approval to leverage reports.


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    • Industry Representative - Free!
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2024 ON-DEMAND Webinar: Maximize ROI by Enhancing the Value of Site Assessments - What FACT Learned During its Pilot Assessment Project
The recording includes a presentation followed by a Q&A session. You must register to access.
2024 Webinar Evaluation - Maximize Your ROI by Enhancing the Value of Site Assessments
ON-DEMAND Webinar: Maximize ROI by Enhancing the Value of Site Assessments Attendance Certificate